How to begin connecting with God (the sacred)

I’ve heard it suggested (and I have also found it to be key) that

Every day as soon as you wake, that you get on your knees and say in your own words or as follows:

“God (or whatever name comes to you) Please come to me now, be with me, use me, reveal yourself to me today. I turn my will (limited self) over to you. Thank you”

If you are just starting out it’s better to keep things simple and then to let it organically grow from there.

2. Right after (or before) sit in silence for 10 min.

God lives Everywhere but because of the noise in our brains and outer world it’s essential to connect in silence. You’ll probably be uncomfortable initially, that’s ok! Here’s a video if you ‘d like company and a little guidance on entering Presence. Direction will come to you from your soul as you embrace silence.

That’s it as far as starting out,
for now.

Shay-Ahna Joy


Prayer / Meditations